Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening has become one of the most popular ways to improve your smile by lightening the existing shade of your natural teeth. This is a simple and effective treatment which can be carried out at home using our fully customised whitening kits. Tooth whitening is a non-invasive treatment which does not involve drilling or removal of the tooth surface.
The whitening process is possible due to the ability of the whitening gel to freely pass through the enamel and dentine of the tooth. The gel breaks down into oxygen radicals, which travel between the enamel, breaking down any coloured molecules that result in tooth discolouration. The structure of your teeth will not be altered if the product is used correctly (right concentration, application and working time).
When you visit Werribee Dental Clinic for any kind of treatment, your safety and comfort is always our main concern and teeth whitening is no exception. Before you undergo whitening we will want to examine your teeth and gums to make sure treatment is suitable for you. If you have any cavities or signs of gum disease, then we will need to treat these problems before you can go ahead with whitening as otherwise it could be uncomfortable or even painful for you. By assessing your teeth, we can make sure your treatment is fully personalised, ensuring it is comfortable and that you get great results, and can enjoy a healthy and naturally white looking smile.
There are many reasons why your teeth can become discoloured
- Drinking tea, coffee or red wine
- Food with strong colourings
- Smoking
- The natural act of ageing
- A tooth which is damaged by trauma
- Some teeth are naturally pigmented or stained as they develop
- Certain medications
Only natural teeth respond to tooth whitening, Crowns, Bridges, Dentures or Implants cannot be whitened.

Home Whitening is the technique that we offer at our clinic to lightening the existing shade of your natural teeth.
Home Whitening
Our dentist will provide you with the whitening kit which contains custom made whitening trays and a peroxide based gel. The process of fabricating the whitening trays is described below:
- An impression (mould) is taken of your teeth using special dental “putty”. The putty is placed into an impression tray; they are both then inserted into your mouth and pushed onto your teeth in order to take an impression. Once the dental putty is set the impression will be removed.
- The moulds are sent to the Dental Laboratory where our technician will fabricate your custom made whitening trays.
- The peroxide gel is placed into your trays the trays are then placed onto your teeth for a period of time. We will show you how to use these trays so you know just how much whitening gel is required and how long to leave these trays in your mouth. This can vary from a few hours each day to overnight.
- Home whitening can take up to 14 days to achieve your desired shade.
The degree of whitening will vary from patient to patient; greyer teeth can take longer to respond. Tooth whitening is not permanent; the whitening process will need to be repeated every 12 – 18 months to keep your teeth at the shade you desire.